Place your whole strawberries on the surface of the cake leaving about a ½" between each.
Triple Layer Coffee Caramel Chocolate Mousse Cakes #recipe.
Cheesecake Recipes, Cookie Recipes, Dessert Recipes, Desserts, Malay Cake, Resep Cake, Asian Cake, Malay Food, Cookies.
Bahan membuat Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box
- 4 keping of Biskuit M*arie Susu.
- 45 ml of Susu Kental Manis.
- 400 ml of Susu Cair.
- 85 gr of Keju Cheddar.
- 1 sdt of Perisa Lemon.
- 1 sdm of Tepung Maizena.
- 1 sachet of Tepung Agar-Agar Plain.
- 150 ml of Selai Strawberry.
Langkah Membuat Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box
- Blender biskuit m*rie, kemudian padatkan pada dasar box dengan susu kental manis. (Boleh juga dgn mentega leleh).
- Masak susu cair dengan api kecil. Kemudian masukkan keju..
- Masukkan susu kental manis dan perisa lemon untuk menghadirkan sedikit rasa asam khas cheesecake. (boleh diganti dengan parutan kulit lemon).
- Masukkan tepung maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dalam air/susu. Kemudian tuangkan gelatin atau tepung agar-agar. (ps. maaf fotonya blur, saya pakai swallow plain).
- Aduk-aduk hingga sudah kental dan mulai bergelembung. Angkat, dinginkan sebentar lalu tuangkan kedalam box tadi..
- Dinginkan di lemari pendingin minimal 30 menit, kemudian tambahkan selai strawberry sebagai topping..
- Yakk strawberry cheesecake dessert box siap dijual, eh disantap.☺️ dingin lebih nikmat(?).
We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Creamy and airy, this gorgeous dessert is the perfect special something for a summer dinner party. I love the mix of smooth strawberry cheesecake and crumbly chocolate crust—and how elegant it looks on the table. Chocolate Carmelicious Cheesecake Made with Snickers® - Original Cheesecake Swirled with Snickers® on a Brownie Crust with Chocolate. Boxed Cake Mix Makes These Cookies So Easy To Make.
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