These from-scratch brownies are chewy, moist and fudgy - truly the best ever.
They're made with cocoa powder for that perfect rich chocolate flavour.
If you like your brownies chewy in the middle and crisp on the outside edges, then this recipe is for you!
Bahan membuat Chewy Brownies
- 2 butir of telur.
- 150 g of gula halus (me: 120 g).
- 150 g of dcc.
- 50 g of margarin.
- 40 ml of minyak.
- 100 g of tepung terigu (me: segitiga biru).
- 35 g of coklat bubuk (me: 20 g van houten).
Langkah Membuat Chewy Brownies
- Lelehkan dcc, margarin dan minyak dengan cara di tim..
- Campurkan telur dan gula dalam wadah, lalu kocok sampai gula larut, cukup dengan menggunakan whish (manual aja)..
- Setelah gula larut, tambahkan dcc yang telah dilelehkan,aduk rata. Kemudian tambahkan tepung terigu dan bubuk coklat yang sudah diayak(bisa juga diayak sambil dimasukkan kedalam adonan). Lalu aduk kembali sampai benar2 rata..
- Siapkan loyang (me: uk 10x20x3) alasi dengan kertas baking. Tuang adonan dalam loyan, taburkan topping (me chocochip warna warni) biar rame 😄😄..
- Oven pada suhu 160° C menggunakan api atas bawah selama 25 menit. Sebelumnya panaskan oven selama 5 - 10 menit..
- Brownis chewy siap di nikmati..
These are your classic, chewy fudgy brownies made with chocolate chips. For me, it's these, the classic chewy brownies with a touch of fudgy consistency with that crispy top. These are quite possibly the most chewy, moist brownies we've ever made. How to Make Box Brownies Chewy. My family likes a brownie that is delightfully chewy.
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