Turn a box of red velvet cake mix into this easy dessert—or breakfast!
The icing tastes good and makes a pretty contrast with the rolls.
BUY NOW Small Stainless Steel Cookie Scoop This is by far one of the best ways we've used box cake mix to date.
Bahan membuat Red Velvet Dessert Box
- of Bahan Cake.
- of Bahan A.
- 1 butir of telur.
- 60 gr of gula.
- 1/4 sdt of SP.
- of Bahan B.
- 30 gr of Tepung.
- 1/4 sdt of Baking Powder.
- 1 sdt of Susu Bubuk.
- 1 sdm of coklat bubuk (me:bendsrop).
- of Bahan C.
- 30 gr of Margarin (lelehkan).
- 1 sdt of Pasta Redvelvet (me:Toffieco).
- 1/2 sdt of Pewarna makanan merah.
- of Bahan Cream Cheese.
- 50 ml of Whipcream (me:anchor).
- 50 gr of Cream cheese.
- 1 sdt of Gula Halus.
Langkah Membuat Red Velvet Dessert Box
- Mixer bahan A sampai kental berjejak.
- Lalu campurkan bahan B dan C dan mixer hingga rata.
- Jika sudah masukan adonan kedalam loyang dan kukus selama 20 menit.
- Buat cream cheese mixer semua bahan hingga mengembang.
- Tunggu dingin cake lalu hancurkan dengan chopper.
- Siapkan wadah cup 500ml masukan remahan cake dibagi 3 bagian dibuat layer diselingkan dengan creamcheese.
- Hias sesuai selera.
- Note : kenapa cakenya dikukus karna untuk ngedapetin tekstur yg lembab, kenapa cakenya diremahkan dari pengalaman ku yaaa karena ini kan makannya pake sendok jadi kalo cakenya utuh saat disendok pasti akan susah (tapi kalo kalian suka yg gak di remahkan ya bebas).
Red Velvet Oreos: These red velvet sandwich cookies are everything you hope they'll be and more. Red Velvet Nutella Stuffed Cookies: These. Red velvet cake makes an excellent dessert for a casual dinner or a large potluck, but if you want something a little bit different, more unique, and even more delicious than classic red velvet cake, opt for a red velvet dessert from Edible Arrangements®. With convenient delivery options, you can have. Cari produk Dessert lainnya di Tokopedia.
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