Original Mix Make any moment memorable when you serve a stack of pancakes made with our Aunt Jemima ® Original Pancake & Waffle Mix.
They're perfectly fluffy, contain no artificial coloring or flavors and are a good source of calcium and iron, so you can feel good about serving them to your family.
To reheat, unwrap pancakes and remove waxed paper.
Bahan membuat Pancake Original
- 100 g of Tepung terigu.
- 1 butir of Telur ayam.
- 4 sdt of Gula.
- 1/2 sdt of Soda kue.
- 80 ml of Susu full cream.
- secukupnya of Cairan margarin.
- secukupnya of Garam.
Langkah Membuat Pancake Original
- Campurkan 1 buah telur ayam dengan gula, aduk menggunakan whisk sampai gula larut.
- Setelah gula dan telur menyatu tambahkan tepung terigu aduk secara perlahan dan tambahkan cairan margarin secukupnya. aduk merata..
- Setelah adonan sudah diaduk tambahkan susu cair, lalu garam dan soda kue. Aduk hingga adonan mengental. Kekentalan sesuai selera ya guys ;).
- Siapkan teflon dioleskan cairan margarin sedikit, api kecil ya guys. Lalu tuangkan adonan pancake yang sudah di buat tadi secara bertahap ya :) selamat mencoba yaaa.
They are so quick and easy to make you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying breakfast with your family! Signature items include the Apple Pancake, Dutch Baby, Vegetarian Omelet, Banana and Cherry Crepes, Corned Beef Hash, and the Strawberry Waffle. Fresh buttermilk is the secret ingredient for light and fluffy cakes in this buttermilk pancake recipe.. The ingredient list now reflects the servings specified. The pancake's shape and structure varies worldwide.
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