Nasi Uduk is an Indonesian style steamed rice dish originally from Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.
We can find Nasi Uduk sold in roadside stalls in Jakarta which open exclusively in the morning, noon, or night, depending on the demographic of the surrounding areas.
My version of nasi Uduk is very easy to.
Bahan membuat Nasi uduk fiber creme rice cooker
- 1 cup of beras.
- secukupnya of Garam.
- of Air.
- 2 sdm of fibercreme.
- of Kaldu ayam bubuk.
- of Daun salam.
Langkah Membuat Nasi uduk fiber creme rice cooker
- Masukkan semua bahan pada rice cooker, aduk rata. Cek rasa dan hidupkan rice cooker tunggu matang.
Kalau di Batam, lebih banyak yang jual nasi lemak dibandingkan dengan nasi uduk. Make this easy and aromatic Betawi-style nasi uduk that goes with many main and side dishes. Nasi uduk pakai rice cooker. Campur semua bahan di panci rice cooker, lalu nyalakan tombol cook. Setelah tombol rice cooker menunjukkan posisi matang, aduk nasi di dalam rice cooker, kemudian panaskan lagi.
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