Ingredient variations exist, as do vegan versions.
Cream of Broccoli Soup. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
This cream of broccoli soup is made with heavy cream and Parmesan cheese and without flour.
Bahan membuat Brokoli cream soup
- 500 gr of brokoli buang bonggol nya.
- 100 ml of cooking cream.
- 300 ml of freshmilk.
- 1 sdt of garlic powder.
- 1 bh of salted butter.
- 1 sdm of maizena.
- 1 sdt of parmesan.
- secukupnya of Garam gula.
Langkah Membuat Brokoli cream soup
- Siapkan bahan,Bersihkan brokoli, lalu rebus dgn air,kalo sudah empuk buang air.
- Kemudian masak brokoli dgn susu dgn api kecil, masukkan butter, cooking cream aduk2 jgn sampe mendidih banget ya,lalu tambahlan garam gula.
- Matikan api, dinginkan dahulu d suhu ruang, kalo uda dingin haluskan, saya menggunakan blender,kalo sudah halus masukan lg ke panci tambahkan sedikit larutan maizena agar kental.
- Taburi dengan keju parmesan, dan cooking cream, selamat menikmati.
Use an immersion blender to blend the soup until smooth. Stir in the nutmeg, then ladle into bowls. Cream of broccoli soup is a smooth, creamy and comforting soup made from broccoli. This broccoli soup can be served plain or with a toasted buttered bread or baguette. This Broccoli Cream Soup tastes outstanding and uses fat burning ingredients that improve digestion and hormonal function.
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