We're talking about CHEESE AND POTATOES.
Plus a healthy dose of broccoli, because life is all about balance.
These Broccoli Cheddar Baked Potatoes are, IMHO.
Bahan membuat Baked potato broccoli and cheese
- 1 Kg of Ketang kuning.
- 1 of Brokoli Ukuran Sedang.
- 200 ml of Susu cair.
- 165 gr of Keju Cheddar/melt quick parut.
- Secukupnya of Keju Mozzarella Untuk taburan atas.
Langkah Membuat Baked potato broccoli and cheese
- Siapkan bahannya.
- Rebus/ Kukus Kentang lalu kupas Dan haluskan.
- Bersihkan brokoli rendam air garam, cuci, didihkan air kemudian rebus kurang lebih 3 menit angkat langsung siram air suhu normal atau dingin agar terlihat hijau segar.
- Parut keju sisihkan.
- Campur kentang yg sudah dihakuskan dengan Susu Dan parutan keju cheddar/ melt quick.
- Masukan oven 230 C selama 30 menit.
- Angkat, kemudian taburi brokoli yg sdh direbus dengan Mozzarella parut tabur Secukupnya.
- Masukan oven kembali kurang lebih 10 menit Sampai keju Mozzarella mencair.
- Sajikan, nikmat dikonsumsi selagi hangat.
Fluffy baked potatoes loaded with steamed broccoli and smothered in a tasty cheese sauce. Baked potatoes with broccoli and creamy, melty homemade cheddar cheese sauce. For lunch, we'd always go to a small cafe in town and order the same thing- broccoli cheese potatoes. They were so good… cheesy, gooey, melty sauce over perfectly steamed tender broccoli. These cheesy twice baked potatoes were first cooked in the microwave (you can of course bake them), then scooped out and mashed with cooked cauliflower, buttermilk and cheese.
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