So easy to make you'll want to.
Enter… this super incredible crispy cheesy roasted broccoli!!
This recipe was based off of one I found in an old weight watchers magazine, but I altered it a bit to lower the point.
Bahan membuat Brokoli Krispy
- 1 bonggol of brokoli putih.
- 1 bh of telor ayam.
- secukupnya of tepung krispy serbaguna.
- of saos cocol :.
- secukupnya of saos sambal.
- secukupnya of mayonaise.
Langkah Membuat Brokoli Krispy
- Brokoli di cuci bersih, dipotong-potong sesuai selera, jangan terlalu kecil.
- Rebus brokoli sebentar, jangan terlalu lama, takut hancur. setelah itu angkat, sisihkan.
- Siapkan telor, kocok supaya tercampur. siapkan tepung krispy. masukkan brokoli ke telor, kemudian celupkan ke tepung. lakukan sampai brokoli habis.
- Goreng dg api kecil, sampai kecoklatan.
- Angkat & sajikan dg saos sambal mayo 🍽️.
We're talking crispy, crunchy, toasty, roasty broccoli tops and creamy, dreamy broccoli stems. Today we tackle the basics of crispy roasted broccolini or broccoli. Broccolini is like broccoli rabe but tastes like regular broccoli. Transfer broccoli to a platter and drizzle with tahini sauce. Top with sesame seeds and Served with peppery soy saucey brown rice and some crispy fried tofu, with the tahini.
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