Chinese broccoli is one of my favorite Asian leafy greens!
I love its crunchy texture and the flavor it takes when dressed with a simple garlic and oyster sauce.
It looks like broccoli rabe and is usually served with oyster sauce or other brown sauce and with lots of yummy garlic bits.
Bahan membuat Broccoli Garlic Sauce with Scrambled Egg
- 2,5 bonggol of brokoli.
- 7 siung of bawang putih geprek cincang halus.
- 2 siung of bawang putih iris (goreng utk taburan).
- 5 of cabai rawit potong serong.
- 2 butir of telur kocok.
- 1 sdm of kaldu jamur.
- 1,5 of garam.
- 1 sdm of kecap inggris.
- 2 sdm of saos tiram.
- 1 sdt of ladaku.
- 1/2 sdt of raja rasa.
- 2 sdm of minyak wijen.
Langkah Membuat Broccoli Garlic Sauce with Scrambled Egg
- Potong perkuntum / sesuai selera. Rendam dng air garam (spy klo ada ulatny, bs mati) sambil menyiapkan bumbuny. Cuci bersih. Rebus stengah matang lalu siram air mengalir utk mnghentikan proses memasakny. Tiriskan..
- Tumis dng sdikit minyak goreng+minyak wijen bawang putih cincang hingga wangi, sampingkan. Masukan telur buat orak arik (jangan di cmpur dng bawang putih yg disampingny). Masukan cabe potong. Aduk2. Masukkan garam, merica bubuk, kaldu jamur, saos tiram, kecap inggris, raja rasa. Aduk, tambahkan 1/4 gelas air. Masukan brokoli. Masak sebentar saja. Tes rasa. Jika sudah mantap, siap disajikan dng taburan bawput goreng 👍.
Try this too: mix together soy sauce and mayo and dip steamed (but not mushy) broccoli in it. Garlic butter shrimp is one of those keto shrimp recipes that you'll make again and again - so easy and packed with garlic, butter Serve over zucchini noodles or with a side of steamed broccoli. This is going to make the sauce so rich and creamy. In a nonstick pan over medium heat, heat oil. Broccoli Egg Bhurji is one such recipe, which is a combination of scrambled eggs and broccoli.
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