Scoop the potato mixture in each of potato.
Great recipe for Baked Potatoes with Broccoli and Cheese.
When it comes to dinner time at home on the lazy weekend, I prefer to cook something quick, easy, without Since my brother get in love with potatoes, and I found quick melt and mozzarella cheese in my fridge, I did an experiment on them.
Bahan membuat Baked Potato with Broccoli and Cheese
- of Kentang panggang :.
- 3 buah of kentang ukuran besar.
- 3 sdm of minyak zaitun (pake minyak goreng juga oke).
- 1/2 sdt of garam.
- 1/2 sdt of merica.
- of Saus Keju :.
- 125 ml of susu.
- 3 sdt of bumbu rasa keju.
- 50 gr of keju parut.
- 1 sdm of maizena yg dilarutkan air.
- of Bahan tambahan :.
- of Brokoli.
- of Smoked beef.
- of Parsley.
Langkah Membuat Baked Potato with Broccoli and Cheese
- Jadi dehh! Yummy buangett.
- Selagi menunggu, kita buat saus kejunya dulu. Campurkan susu, keju dan bumbu rasa keju. Didihkan. Bila sudah, masukkan maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air. Masak sampai kental..
- Didihkan air, rebus brokoli yg udh dipotong. 1 menit aja ya. Tiriskan. Lalu tumis smoked beef pake mentega sampai matang.
- Belah kentang jadi 4 (jangan sampai putus) dan isi dengan brokoli dan smoked beef dan siram dengan saus keju tadi. taburkan parsley sesuai selera.
- Jadi dehh! Yummy buangett.
I bake mine half the way in foil to help it tenderize faster and retain moisture, then let it finish off My broccoli florets are simply blanched in salted water for a few moments before they're folded into my cheese sauce. Spoon B over A, sprinkle with scallions, and. Twice-baked potatoes are sometimes called "stuffed baked potatoes," but whatever you call it, your dinner table needs it. Although this is a cheesy broccoli version, you can really add in whatever ingredients you like. If you like your potatoes with a little kick, you can spice them up by using pepper.
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