Made with boiled noodles, chicken, minced chicken, hoisin sauce, sriracha mayo.
The next big thing thing in Ramen and Burgers.
A flavorful broth with chicken and noodles, and don't forget the ramen egg!
Bahan membuat Ramen Chicken Burger
- 1/4 of Daging ayam (Dada).
- of Mie Ramen.
- of Tepung maizena.
- of Lada.
- 2 Btr of telur.
- of Penyedap rasa.
- of Seledri.
- of Pelengkap ;.
- of Daun selada.
- of Saos sambal.
- of Mayonaise.
- of Tomat.
- of Timun.
Langkah Membuat Ramen Chicken Burger
- Blender daging ayam sampai halus lalu tambahkan tepung maizena lada,dan seledri aduk merata sisihkan.
- Rebus mie ramen.
- Ceplok telur kocok merata masukkan mie yg sudah direbus.
- Lalu dadar sesuai selera sedikit demi sedikit yaa begitu juga dengan daging ayam yg sudah dicampur cetak sesuai selera dadar.
- Jika sudah matang siapkan bahan2 pelengkapnya lalu susun dengan rapi bersama pelengkap dan saos sambal dan siap unt disantap sebagai camilan.
Ground boneless chicken thighs mix with cilantro for a fresh taste. Chicken ramen needs that perfect beige noodle hue to be delicious. If your effective in your cooking If you want to try a healthy alternative to the otherwise delicious fried chicken burger then step right up. This chicken burger recipe serves two to four people, so it's ideal if you're having a special dinner with the To make the chicken burger more succulent, we dip the chicken breast in an egg and flour. Chicken Burger with apple, cheese and jam.
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