I think teriyaki rice burgers are such a brilliant idea because it's basically.
Why have a rice bowl when you can enjoy crispy, breaded chicken and egg salad sandwiched between lightly fried rice patties?
This Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe tastes better than takeout.
Bahan membuat Chicken teriyaki rice burger
- 400 gr of nasi pulen.
- 1 sdm of wijen sangray.
- 200 gr of fillet dada ayam.
- 1 sdm of kecap asin.
- of Marinasi.
- 2 sdm of bumbu teriyaki, siap pakai.
- 1 sdm of minyak goreng.
- of Pelengkap.
- 4 lembar of daun selada.
- 4 lembar of keju chedar lembaran.
- 2 sdm of saus thousand island, siap pakai.
Langkah Membuat Chicken teriyaki rice burger
- Campur nasi pulen dengan wijen yg telah disangray, aduk rata..
- Bagi adonan menjadi 8 bagian, cetak bentuk bulat setebal 1 cm, padatkan.
- Bakar adonan nasi diatas wajan tebal sambil olesi kecap asin hingga kedua sisinya kecoklatan. Angkay dan sisihkan.
- Remdan fillet ayam (usahakan ayam 1potong dibelah 2 agar lebih tipis, jadi total ayam 8) dengan bumbu marinasi selama 10 menit. Panggang dalam wajan tebal hingga matang, angkat.
- Ambil satu adonan nasi, letakan selembar daun selada, keju lembaran, 2 potong ayam teriyaki, lalu bubuhi dengan saus thousand island. Tutup atasnya dengan sepotong nasi. Sajikan.
We are making easy Rice Burgers with teriyaki sauce. The sweet and savory teriyaki goes great with both rice and bread so it is perfect for the rice burgers. Homepage > Recipes > Rice Recipes > Teriyaki Beef Rice Burgers Recipe (Yakiniku and Lettuce Wrapped with Rice Buns). Marinate the chicken in teriyaki sauce in the refrigerator for at least an hour. In a wok or deep skillet, add the chicken in the teriyaki marinade and cook Scramble the eggs and mix with the rest of the vegetables.
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