These stacked beef burgers are a BBQ favourite & are really easy-to-make.
Homemade Burger Patties Making Burger Patties Easy Homemade Burgers Homemade Hamburgers Hamburger Patties Recipe Burger Patty Kylee Cooks.
This easy Homemade Beef Burger Recipe will have you skip the drive-through and head home to chow down on these instead!
Bahan membuat Beef burger homemade (patty/patie) 🐄
- 350 gr of daging giling.
- 1 siung of bawang putih (cincang halus).
- 1/2 of bawang Bombay (cincang kasar).
- 1/2 of lada bubuk.
- 1 sdt of garam.
- 1 sdt of gula.
- 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk sapi (saya Kaldu organik).
- 1 sdt of oregano.
- 1 butir of telur ayam (kocok lepas).
- Plastik of wrap.
Langkah Membuat Beef burger homemade (patty/patie) 🐄
- Siram daging giling dengan air panas sekali aja, buang air Nya saring. Campur kan semua bahan lalu ambil 2/3 sdm bentuk bulat sama rata sampai habis. #PejuangGoldenApron3.
- Jika sudah di Bulat kan bungkus dengan plastik wrap sampai selesai lalu simpan di dalam freezer sampai beku..
- Saya di masam besok sore nya dengan di panggang..
Using cold butter and beef will make handling the beef a little bit easier, but you'll still want to avoid over-mixing or being too rough while shaping the patties. Homemade Beef Burger, Kebab Beef Burgers Recipe, juicy Beef Burger Recipe. Do not add too much liquid to the burger mixture. When using frozen ground meat, make sure to drain excess moisture before you form the patties. Use this recipe to make other delicious dishes.
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