Roti burger simple Cara membuat burger : Panggang roti burger sedemikian rupa hingga matang isinya. Menu burger ini sangat simple namun sudah mencukupi kebutuhan gizi di pagi hari. Plus, a simple hamburger recipe with three ingredients: high quality meat, salt, and pepper.

Bahan membuat Roti burger simple

  1. 6 bh of roti manis.
  2. 3 butir of telur.
  3. 4 sachet of saos sambal.
  4. Secukupnya of minyak goreng mentega dan garam.

Langkah Membuat Roti burger simple

  1. Belah 2 roti manis kocok telur bri garam sdkt lalu buat telur dadar dgn menuang 2 sendok bahan telur ke teflon yg sdh di bri minyak goreng sdkt.
  2. Oles teflon dgn mentega lalu panggang roti sambil ditekan2 dan balikkan bila 1 sisi sdh berwrna coklat.
  3. Bentuk telur menjd bulat spt roti lalu letakkan ditengah roti bri isian saos sambal jika ingin lbh pedas tuang lg saos sambal di atas roti jika tdk suka pedas bs juga di bri isian keju parut sesuai selera.

The Best Classic Burger Recipe - Perfectly seasoned juicy homemade hamburgers. How do you make a great burger? We have some classic ground hamburger recipes, plus a few new veggie burgers that you wouldn't expect. The folks at Char-Broil grills share a simple burger recipe that's easy to make at home. It's pretty amazing how something so effortless can be so delicious, isn't it?

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