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Original kaler sbb this is Charcoal Bun!
A wide variety of burger pattys options are available to you Get the best Gardenburger Original Veggie Patty recipe on the ORIGINAL copycat recipe website!
Bahan membuat Patty Burger Original Bukan Krebi Peti
- 400 gram of daging sapi giling.
- 1 sdm of tepung panir.
- 1 sdm of tepung tapioka.
- 1/2 sdt of merica bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt of garam.
- 1 sdt of butter.
- 2 siung of bawang putih.
- 1 sdm of olive oil.
Langkah Membuat Patty Burger Original Bukan Krebi Peti
- Campur daging, tepung, merica dan garam. Aduk rata dengan tangan. Lalu bagi 2 adonan. Bentuk bulat lalu tekan bagian tengahnya lebih tipis ketimbang pinggirannya..
- Beri merica lagi biar mantap.
- Siung bawang putih dengan olive oil. Api sedang supaya oil tidak gosong. Masukkan patty. Matangkan 3 menit..
- Balik patty masak lagi 3 menit. Beri butter sebelum api dimatikan..
- Angkat sirami dengan minyaknya, Dan nikmati bersama kentang goreng atau salad..
Each box of Bubba Burgers original beef burger. A wide variety of burger patty paper options are available to you, such as paper type, feature. Our quick and delicious burger patty uses ingredients already in your pantry. For a fast weekday meal or impromptu get together, try For a fast weekday meal or impromptu get together, consider these delicious patties. The simple additions add lots of flavor to your.
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