Sandwich / Burger ala ala Understanding this is in a food court, the sandwich was quite good. The order took time to prepare suggesting it was not pre-made and just heated. Breaded and golden fried served on a kaiser bun with a side of tartar sauce.

Bahan membuat Sandwich / Burger ala ala

  1. 1 bungkus of roti tawar.
  2. of Selada.
  3. 1 buah of tomat.
  4. 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  5. 1 buah of timun.
  6. 1 bungkus of sosis.
  7. of Saos tomat.
  8. of Saos sambal.
  9. of Mayonies.
  10. of Murstard (gak pake gak punya stock).
  11. of Telor ceplok.
  12. of Margarin.
  13. 1 bungkus of Keju slice.

Langkah Membuat Sandwich / Burger ala ala

  1. Goreng telor menjadi telor ceplok sisihkan, goreng sosis dengan sedikit minyak/margarin, bakar dengan teplon roti dengan sedikit margarin sisihkan..
  2. Iris bawang bombay, tomat, timun dan selada cuci bersih potong potong sisihkan..
  3. Roti yang sudah di bakar di kasih saos tomat, saos sambal, mayonies, bawang bombay,selada, timun, tomat, sosis, keju slice, telor ceplok dan di apit dengan roti satu lagi..
  4. Sajikan.
  5. Terimakasih.

Ala Burger is a restaurant located in Laredo, Texas. Based on ratings and reviews from users from all over the web, this restaurant is a Great Restaurant. Interested in eating in Ala Burger? Check out this restaurant's features and options and find driving directions, so you can spend more time eating. Great Burgers & Wings,Best Burger Food Truck In Laredo. Управляющий.

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