Beef Patty Burger How are McDonald's beef patties made? Summer picnic with small charcoal grill. A great burger starts with a great patty.

Bahan membuat Beef Patty Burger

  1. 200 gr of Daging Sapi Giling Special Australia.
  2. 1/2 siung of Bawang Bombay, yg sudah dikupas & dicacah kasar.
  3. 1 siung of Bawang Putih, yg sudah dikupas & diiris tipis.
  4. 1 sdm of Kecap Inggris.
  5. 1 butir of Telur (kocok lepas).
  6. 3/4 sdm of Minyak Canola.
  7. 1/2 sdm of Lada Hitam Bubuk.
  8. 1/2 sdm of Kaldu Sapi Bubuk (merk Royco).
  9. 3 sdm of Tepung Panir (saya ganti dengan Oats Instant yg sudah dihaluskan).
  10. 1/2 sdm of Himsalt.
  11. 1/4 of Gula Pasir.
  12. Biji of Pala Bubuk secukupnya.

Langkah Membuat Beef Patty Burger

  1. Siapkan wadah, masukkan semua bahan jadi satu..
  2. Aduk hingga rata (bisa menggunakan garpu). Ambil adonan 2 sdm, lalu bulatkan & pipihkan (karena saya tidak punya ring cutter jadi pakai wadah tupperware yg sudah diberi sedikit minyak). Kemudian letakkan diatas plastik wrap & bungkus rapat. Ulangi sampai semua adonan habis..
  3. Lalu simpan didalam freezer, bisa disimpan sampai 2 bulan..
  4. Kalau ingin bikin burger, tinggal dipanggang diatas teflon yg sudah diberi sedikit butter. Dan tinggal berikan cheese slice melt & homemade barbeque sauce..

Well, there are pros and cons on both sides. Whether or not your patty is of a fancy cuts of beef or down-to-earth store-bought, it should be. Discover the best Beef Burger Patties in Best Sellers. A patty is a flattened, usually round, serving of ground meat or meat alternatives. The meat is compacted and shaped, cooked, and served.

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