Es cendol is an Indonesian drink made from rice flour served with coconut milk, sugar palm and ice cubes or shaved ice.
While Indonesian people drink es cendol as a nice refreshment, a lot of Westerners like es cendol as dessert.
All around Indonesia, es cendol is sold at hawker stalls.
Bahan membuat Es Cendol
- of Cendol.
- of Nangka.
- of Santan.
- of Susu cair full cream.
- serut of Es.
- of Gula aren (yg sdh dilarutkan).
Langkah Membuat Es Cendol
- Tinggal susun sesuai selera aja ya ka, untuk santan dicpurkan dgn susu cair terlebih dahulu dan resep cendol sudah ada dipostingan sebelumnya..
Dawet is the mix of cendol (the green vermicelli) coconut milk and Javanese sugar. The green cendol gives this drink something to bite into. You can leave a cendol pure (with coconut milk and sugar sirop), or add more condiments. Sajikan es cendol + santan + + sirup + air bersih + batu es. Es cendol merupakan jenis minuman rakyat yang banyak di gemari oleh anak anak maupun orang tua.
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