Suki instan yg mudah cara memasaknya.
Tom yum or tom yam is a type of hot and sour Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp (prawn).
Tom yum has its origin in Thailand. #sukisuki #sukihomemade #homemade #sukienak #suki #asmrfood #asmreating #asmrsounds #asmrmukbang #eatingshow #letseat #foodsounds #makan #makananenak #ngiler.
Bahan membuat Suki TomYum Murmer
- 16 buah of aneka grozen food, bebas pilih apa.
- 2 bungkus of mie urai burung dara.
- 1 of saschet bumbu tomyum, aku pake merk Bamboo.
- 1 ikat of sawi putih, atau mau pake pakcoy juga mantul.
- 6 gelas of air.
- 1 sdm of bon cabe, aku pake lv. 30 biar hot.
Langkah Membuat Suki TomYum Murmer
- Rebus air sampai mendidih..
- Masukkan bumbu tomyum dan bon cabe. Aduk sampai larut..
- Masukkan frozen food dan mie urai. Diamkan sampai matang..
- Cek rasa. Jika kurang asin, tambahkan garam hingga rasanya pas..
- Terakhir masukkan sawi. Aduk sebentar agar sawi tidak terlalu matang dan masih krenyes..
- Suki tomyum siap disajikan. Nikmat disantap rame-rame. Selamat mencoba, ya ☺️.
Real tom yum!not just a fake tom yum! Its cheap but taste nothing like cheap food. Dry Tom Yum is on Netflix. This is a luxurious recipe that is incredibly simple and delicious. I was reminded of it because it was talked about in a Netflix documentary "Street Food" in the Bangkok episode.
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