There are so many different kinds of hotpot dishes in Japan.
Shabu Shabu is a All You Can Eat restaurant chain in the Netherlands.
Enjoy the taste of the Japanese kitchen through a variety.
Bahan membuat Shabu shabu
- of Bahan kuah.
- 2 of bawang putih.
- 1 of bawang bombay.
- 1 saset of saos saori.
- 5 sendok of saos delmonte pedas.
- 1 sendok of kecap asin(skip boleh).
- 2 cm of jahe geprek.
- 5 biji of cabe rawit.
- of Kaldu.
- of Bahan isi.
- 1 bungkus of enoki.
- 250 gram of slice daging shortplate.
- 1 biji of wortel.
- 1 ikat of pokcoy.
Langkah Membuat Shabu shabu
- Tumis bawang putih dan bombay menggunakan mentega atau minyak. Tunggu hingga sedikit layu.
- Masukan saos saori dan saos delmonte. Aduk" lalu masukan kaldu..
- Masukan air secukupnya tambah kecap asin kalau ada..
- Tunggu hingga mendidih koreksi rasa..
- Masukan wortel tunggu sekitar 2-3 menit..
- Masukan daging tunggu 1-2 menit..
- Matikan api.masukan pokcoy dan jamur enoki..
- Hidangkan selagi hangat lebih nikmat..
Shabu-shabu is a Japanese hotpot dish where meat slices and vegetables are boiled in a broth. While the Chinese may call it steamboat, the Japanese actually named the dish after the sounds that the ingredients make when they're swishing and swooshing beneath the surface of the boiling soup. This week we try some Korean Shabu Shabu, which is thin slices of beef that you cook by swirling it around in the pot of boiling broth in front of you, and. Shabu Shabu is a great way to make your dinner lively and interactive. You can enjoy meat, lots of vegetables, noodles and rice, all in one go.
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