If you are going to have a party, buy extra just in case.
You can freeze the meat if you don't use it (make sure to keep it in the fridge and don't plate all of the meat to serve).
With leftover meat, you can make dishes like this: To make them, you have to scrape all the meat off the fish, mince it with a cleaver, and then pound it by hand.
Bahan membuat Home Made All You can Eat Sukiyaki Seafood Steamboat
- of Bahan Isian Sayuran.
- of Kacang kapri.
- of Sawi putih.
- of Bokcoy.
- of Janggel / posol/keputren.
- of Jamur kuping.
- of Jamur enoki.
- of Tofu.
- of Bawang bombay.
- of Daun bawang.
- of Bahan seafood.
- 200 gr of udang segar.
- 100 gr of cumi cumi.
- 8 buah of crab stick.
- of Bakso ikan.
- of Bakso salmon.
- of Bakso udang.
- 2 buah of chikuwa.
- of Sosis ayam.
- of Bumbu kuah (Dashi sauce).
- 1 ruas of jahe.
- 4 siung of bawang putih.
- of Bawang bombay.
- of Kecap asin/soyu.
- of Kecap ikan / Fish sauce.
- of Kecap inggris.
- of Merica bubuk.
- of Kaldu jamur.
- Sedikit of gula pasir.
- of Air Rebusan udang.
Langkah Membuat Home Made All You can Eat Sukiyaki Seafood Steamboat
- Rebus udang dan cumi secara bergantian dengan jahe yg sudah di memarkan hingga mendidih, sisihkan.
- Siapkan semua bahan Steamboat.
- Buat Bumbu kuah kaldu (Dashi sauce) : Masukan Jahe yang sudah dimemarkan, bawang putih, bombay, kecap asin, kecap ikan, kecap inggris, gula pasir, merica bubuk kedalam rebusan udang icip rasa sesuai selera.
- Susun isian steamboat dalam panci sukiyaki, sisi kiri berisi sayuran dan tofu (tahu), bahan seafood disusun di sisi kanan.
- Setelah semua bahan tersusun rapi, siram dengan kuah kaldu (dashi sauce) dan rebus dengan api kecil dan siap disantap.
Mind Blowing SEAFOOD in Fukuoka Japan. An 'All-You-Can-Eat' concept, the first Mo-Mo-Paradise outlet in Kuala Lumpur presents two distinct styles of Japanese hotpot - Shabu Shabu and Sukiyaki. Customers can choose Shabu-Shabu, the original light broth to be enjoyed with ponzu and gomadare (sesame) sauce, which is specially formulated by Mo-Mo-Paradise and is directly imported. While a hot pot full of flavored broth is kept simmering, raw ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked in a manner similar to fondue (hot pots usually use a water-based soup, while fondues use cooking oil). Hot pots may be prepared and eaten either at home or in a restaurant.
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